Navigating the automobile no-fault insurance reform in Michigan has proven challenging for most, if not all, insurance companies. Northwood stands by as a trusted partner for insurance companies navigating these difficult changes.
The reform of Michigan’s auto no-fault insurance went into effect on July 1, 2020, though the state’s legislature created the law in 2019. As of July 1, 2021, the reform fee schedule went into effect and auto insurance companies are required to reimburse providers at 55 percent of what they were paying in 2019 for services not covered by Medicare. That rate decreases to 54 percent this July and to 52.5 percent after July 1, 2023.
According to Phase IProvider Survey Results from a Study Tracking Impact of Fee Changes in No-Fault Auto Insurance Reform, a study commissioned by the Brain Injury Association of Michigan (BIAMI) that was carried out by the Michigan Public Health Institute (MPHI), impacts from this law reform abound. Among many findings, the study reveals some particular effects that impact employees as well as patients.
The recent changes to auto no-fault insurance have challenged the way we do business and has reinforced our commitment to our role in the delivery of quality care for claimants.
As a benefits management company for the last 30 years, Northwood provides access to the best possible care available to auto accident survivors. At Northwood, we believe every minute is important to the outcomes of a patient. Regardless of the challenges presented with auto no-fault reform, we are the same Northwood, committed to working together to ensure people receive quality care that supports the best outcomes.
We believe prioritizing people’s needs is important and the Northwood team uses our experience and knowledge to present innovative solutions for you and your claimants. More than a claim number, we are people serving people together.
Northwood’s Promise:
Please schedule a call with Rosanne Brugnoniat 586-755-3830 ext. 3771 to discuss how Northwood can help your insurance company navigate auto no-fault insurance reform today and in the future.