Potential: How Northwood Drives Efficiency and Growth

A new year is an appropriate time to evaluate your insurance company’s profit and growth potential. With the multitude of tasks inherent with administering automobile no-fault and workers’ compensation claims, it can be all too easy to push high-level company priorities to the bottom of the list. Making the decision to partner with Northwood will help your company stay on top of claim administration priorities as well as higher-level, company-wide priorities and goals.

Partner with Northwood

Northwood is a durable medical equipment, prosthetics, orthotics and medical supplies (DMEPOS), pharmacy and ancillary service provider with more than thirty years of experience in the auto no-fault and work comp insurance industries. Over the span of more than three decades, Northwood has developed and refined its processes and procedures to better assist companies like yours when it comes to enhancing efficiency and improving your bottom line.

To increase efficiency, Northwood employs a number of strategies. One example is its establishment of a customer care line, accessible to claimants as well as your adjusters and examiners. The customer care line allows your claims team members to easily find answers to questions within their individually assigned claims files, saving time and improving their overall efficiency.

Northwood’s experts also review every provider invoice. Rather than spending hours comparing provider invoices and Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) codes, your adjusters and examiners can instead move on to other equally important aspects of administering claims. Invoices are checked for accuracy of code utilization and to ensure every line item is directly related to your claimants’ injuries. This eliminates unnecessary payments to providers, so it is another way that Northwood drives profitability for insurance companies.

In addition, Northwood embraces technology to achieve the best outcomes for claimants and for your company. One prominent example of this is Northwood’s ability to integrate with any claims system, which allows for the easy transmission of claims information between Northwood and your company. This cuts down on the time your adjusters and examiners might normally spend tracking down claimant information when administering claims, further enhancing efficiency and impacting profitability.

Northwood’s focus on enhanced efficiency also benefits your claimants, as it leads to more rapid adjudication of claims. Claimants who experience a hassle-free, more streamlined claim are more likely to be satisfied with your company. That increased satisfaction then results in a higher retention rate over time.

Boost your retention rates

Partnering with Northwood as your insurance company’s DMEPOS, pharmacy and ancillary service provider can bring multiple benefits, including improved efficiency, more satisfied claimants, and an improvement in profitability. Please call Rosanne Brugnoni at 586-755-3830 ext. 3771 for a personalized consultation.

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