The Problems We Solve

The Michigan Auto No-Fault Insurance Reform requires insurance providers to have a clear line of communications with claimants to ensure they understand the impact of their choices, while addressing the many challenges Auto No-Fault presents:

  • Staying on budget
  • Controlling costs
  • Implementing cost saving processes
  • Ensuring claimant satisfaction
  • Navigating the Michigan insurance industry

This makes a seamless transition for new and current Michigan based insurance providers essential.

Northwood brings 30 years of experience in answering to the needs of auto no-fault clients and applies existing network techniques to other service lines that effectively manage the care of an injured claimant.  Our focus has been centered on becoming our clients’ unique advantage, while extending our expertise and knowledge in the evolving Michigan insurance industry to support providers and claimants with innovative solutions that provide better outcomes.

Our value is evident in the many solutions we provide our clients:

  • Improved Customer Satisfaction through our extensive national network and not out of pocket expenses for claimants.
  • Improved Adjuster Satisfaction and Productivity with single point of contact for home health care products and services.
  • Control Cost Per Claim by adopting individualized pharmacy ID cards, implementing generic pricing and a 100% review of DAW1 prescribed medications.
  • Decrease Claim Cycle Time with Northwood’s blended approach for claims administration by using technology to collect data and improve efficiencies while become the human connection with the claimant resulting in decreased claim cycle time and an increased claimant satisfaction score.
  • Access to National Provider Network of over 60,000 locations, providing claimants with easy access to a provider when needed, regardless of where they are traveling.

Schedule a call with Rosanne Brugnoni at 586-755-3830 ext. 3771 for a more customized review of the benefits your company and your claimants can realize from partnering with Northwood.

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