For many of your claimants, the act of experiencing and filing a claim is something completely out of the ordinary for them. While as an adjuster/examiner you are accustomed to industry language surrounding the administration of automobile no-fault or workers compensation claims, your claimants are not. When someone is injured due to an auto/work accident it can be a traumatic event and oftentimes the claimant is treated as just another patient ID number rather than a human being who may be experiencing an array of emotions like fear and uncertainty.
Northwood is a third-party administrator (TPA) of claims and always keeps the claimant’s experience top of mind. This human-centered practice is essential to taking good care of your claimants, yet it also ends up benefiting you & your insurance company in a variety of ways.
From your claimants’ perspective, Northwood is a friendly and knowledgeable point of contact for them. Any time your claimant has a question or a concern at any point in their claim they know they can reach out to Northwood’s friendly team of staff members. Northwood makes it a point to proactively reach out to your claimants and make sure that they are comfortable with the process and that they have everything they need to recover.
Furthermore, Northwood takes charge of coordinating care for your claimants to achieve the most efficient care plans possible. If a claimant requires a hospital stay for instance Northwood steps in to help coordinate the discharge date and any pharmacy and durable medical equipment (DME) that your claimant may need. If the medical provider recommends that a claimant receive home health care services, Northwood’s team ensures that the services are aligned appropriately with the hospital discharge date to create a streamlined recovery process.
Taking these steps to go above and beyond for your claimants provides a wealth of benefits for them. The proactive communication and streamlining of the claims process is not only a convenience for claimants but it also allows them to feel part of the process. These extra measures allow them to feel that they have Northwood and your company on their side during their claims journey which is a tremendous relief for them.
You can rest assured that your claimants are taken care of wherever they are on their claims journey. This allows you as an adjuster/examiner to be more efficient with your time on every claimant file since Northwood takes over regular communication with your claimants. This humanization of the claims process also translates into multiple benefits for your company as well. Satisfied claimants who feel that you are on their side are much more likely to have a favorable opinion of your company. These higher satisfaction levels lead to more customer loyalty and a higher retention rate for your company.
Schedule a call with Rosanne Brugnoni at Call to start humanizing the claims process and to examine how this benefits your claimants and your company.