Automobile accidents occur frequently and claimants experience both minor and catastrophic injuries stemming from auto accidents. In fact, the Association for Safe International Road Travel states that over two million people are disabled or injured in auto accidents in the United States each year. According to the Michigan State Police, there were over 74,000 auto-related injuries in 2015 in the state of Michigan alone. Insurance carriers face some challenges when it comes to these injuries within auto no-fault claims but also have the opportunity to provide exceptional experiences for their claimants.
The claims process can be rather complicated and a major source of frustration for claimants, especially when multiple parties are involved. Those auto no-fault claims involving claimants with catastrophic injuries contain additional complexities that an insurance company must take care to handle in an expedient and efficient manner. When claimants sustain injuries in an auto accident, they will experience a higher level of satisfaction when their insurance company offers the smoothest claims adjudication process possible.
An insurance company’s adjusters must ensure that all claimants are properly indemnified while simultaneously managing the cost of the overall claim and assuring that claimants are satisfied with the claims process. These important facets of an auto no-fault claim add to the administrative burden of adjusters which can ultimately increase the amount of time needed to complete a claim.
In order to ensure that claimants are indemnified and have an exceptional experience throughout an auto no-fault claim, insurance companies should consider working closely with a third-party administrator (TPA) such as Northwood. A TPA will be able to streamline the claims process for both claimants and adjusters by eliminating the need for claimants to pay out of pocket for auto-related expenses.
Northwood has curated an extensive network of providers that spans the entire United States, including Puerto Rico, to provide easy access to home health care services for claimants. When an injured claimant is prescribed medicine for their injury, for example, Northwood will ensure the prescription is auto-related before approving payment to the provider and the claimant will receive the required drugs without paying out of pocket. This pre-approval process is not only convenient for the claimant but also reduces this administrative burden for the adjuster. Claimants will receive their auto-related treatments more quickly and experience a higher level of satisfaction with their claim because of this pre-authorization process.
In addition, Northwood operates a call center for the convenience of claimants. The call center is staffed with highly trained personnel that help monitor claimant satisfaction. The staff members in the call center also provide language services for those claimants that may need assistance with translation which provides an added benefit to claimants.
By working with Northwood on automobile no-fault claims, insurance companies can rest assured that their claimants will have exceptional experiences. For more information on additional ways that Northwood assists with increasing claimant satisfaction, please contact Rosanne Brugnoni at 586-755-3830 ext. 3771.
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