This year has been challenging for nearly everyone. The coronavirus pandemic that has swept the globe has had impacts on the insurance industry and claimants. Prior to the pandemic, supporting claimants with a better claimant experience was important, to be sure. In 2020, supporting high-risk claimants during COVID-19 is perhaps even more critical than ever. This is why it will benefit your company to review your claimants’ experience and improve it where you are able.
When a claimant files an initial claim, there may be a sense of overwhelm and perhaps confusion. Some claimants may even be fearful or experience anxiety due to their particular injury that requires additional visits to medical providers. This may be especially true for claimants in high-risk categories for COVID-19, including those with other pre-existing conditions.
Fortunately, your company can ensure that these high-risk claimants are taken care of while keeping to the recent guidelines for social distancing. One way your adjusters and examiners can help your high-risk claimants through their claim journey is simply by making a phone call or two. Phone calls allow the adjuster or examiner to check in with the claimant to review how the claim is progressing and whether the claimant is adhering to their recovery regimen devised by their medical providers.
Furthermore, if an adjuster or examiner goes the extra mile to make one or two more phone calls than absolutely necessary, this will benefit your claimants greatly. In times of stress such as during the coronavirus pandemic currently happening, your claimants will appreciate the extra touch and feel taken care of. One extra phone call to check in with the claimant could make all the difference between a claimant who rates your company negatively and one who gives your company a positive satisfaction rating.
One or two extra calls per claimant can definitely add up to increased time burdens on your adjusters and examiners. It will be especially helpful to partner with a third-party administrator (TPA) that can step in and relieve your adjusters and examiners of this additional task.
As an experienced and trusted TPA, Northwood can partner with your company to administer your workers’ compensation and automobile no-fault claims. One of the things Northwood prides itself on is taking care of the claimant, and one way that gets done is by opening a line of communication immediately with your claimants. This allows the claimants to feel heard and to know that they can reach out at any time to Northwood with questions or if they need help.
Supporting high-risk claimants is more important now than ever before, and Northwood knows how to help you do that. For a customized review of how Northwood can help support your claimants while bringing value to your insurance company, please call Rosanne Brugnoni at 586-755-3830 ext. 3771.
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