People travel all year long. There are business travelers and people who travel for pleasure. There is an ebb and flow of the level of traffic during the year. The question becomes, are there certain times of the year where the auto accidents are greater? In this article, we will focus on the summer months. Is there an increase in accidents during the summer months over other times in the year?
During the summer months, children are out of school, and families go on vacation. This means that there is a higher level of traffic on the roads. Additionally, this can be a time when teenagers get their learning permits and practice driving. This also puts more people on the road and increases the number of inexperienced drivers.
People are generally more active in the summer months, so this means an increase in bicycles and pedestrians in the roadways. Also, kids are playing in their yards, so it is important to remain alert for the errant ball in the street. All of these equal more hazards for the roadways.
There has been an increase in distracted driving, mainly texting while driving. So, if there is an increase in hazards and a higher incidence of distracted driving, then the number of accidents will also increase. The summer months, due to the heat, increase the incidence of having a tire blowout. When that happens, the driver can lose control of the car and become a moving hazard for others on the road.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has compiled statistics over the years that show that auto accidents increase during the months of August and September. The information above can offer a glimpse into why this could be. Knowing this information can help drivers be more vigilant when they are behind the wheel.
Everyone should always make sure they have their seatbelt fastened when in a moving vehicle. It is best to put the cell phone done or place it in driving mode when in the car. There are hands-free options available if the phone is used while the car is in motion. It is important before using the phone for any reason to determine if the phone use needs to be now, or if it can wait until the car is not in motion.
Remaining aware of the potential hazards while driving can help everyone be a safer driver. This is true for the summer months and all throughout the year.
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