There are over 3 million Americans living with glaucoma in the United States. Glaucoma is the foremost cause of irreversible blindness in the world. The most problematic part of glaucoma is that in the early stages there are no outward signs or symptoms. Glaucoma will most likely be diagnosed during an eye exam that specifically looks for it. Glaucoma is found in many individuals with increased pressure in the eye which squeezes the optic nerve. This can cause the peripheral vision (side vision) to be affected. As the disease progresses, there can be an increase in vision loss leading to total blindness. Everyone who has high pressure in their eye will not necessarily be found to have glaucoma, though. For some, higher eye pressure is considered normal for them.
There are treatments that can be used to try to keep the pressure in the eye lowered, but there is no cure for glaucoma. If a person is found to have glaucoma, even if they feel no adverse symptoms, they might be given eye drops to use on a regular basis that will help control the pressure in the eye. These eye drops need to be taken regularly even if they do not feel they are working. The eye drops work with the eyes to reduce the amount of pressure on the optic nerve. This will slow the progression of the disease.
People who are diagnosed with glaucoma and have lowered vision can find many helpful products and services to help them maintain as normal a life as possible. Bookstores/Libraries have low vision aides. These can include big print books, bright book lights, and magnifiers to run along the pages to see the words better. Restaurants are beginning to cater to those with low vision as well by offering big print menus and picture menus.
Some of the risk factors for glaucoma include higher eye pressure, being over 60 years old, being over 40 years old for African Americans, having a thin cornea, and anything suspicious found in the various eye exams that are performed during your visit. One of the tests that can be used is a dilation test. The pupil of the eye is dilated so that the doctor can get a better look around the eye. When this test is performed the vision of the person will be affected, and they will become sensitive to light. It is important for someone to drive the person from the appointment, and the patients will be given glasses to wear to protect their eyes from light.
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