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  • June is Safety Awareness Month

    Injuries are a leading cause of disability for people of all ages — and they are the leading cause of death for Americans ages 1 to 44. June is designated as the month to discuss this topic and find ways to make every area of your life safer. Specific issues discussed during safety awareness month include prescription painkiller abuse, transportation safety, and slips, trips, and falls.

    Prescription Painkiller Abuse

    Awareness Month Feature - June

    Awareness Month Feature – June

    Opioid Prescriptions Dispensed by US Retail Pharmacies IMS Health, Vector One: National, years 1991-1996, Data Extracted 2011. IMS Health, National Prescription Audit, years 1997-2013, Data Extracted 2014.

    There has been an alarming increase in the number of painkillers prescribed over the years. The above graphic shows an increase from 76 million prescriptions in 1991 to 207 million prescriptions by 2013. It was stated in 2010 that there were enough painkillers prescribed to medicate every American adult for one month with dosing every four hours. Many have taken prescription painkillers for nonmedical reasons. It is widely discussed that the epidemic of prescription painkiller abuse needs to be addressed immediately. There have been many notable figures that have passed due to accidental prescription painkiller overdose.

    Transportation Safety

    One of the biggest issues with safety while driving is driving while distracted. This can be because people are texting on the phone, not using hands-free talking, or spending time watching anything else other than the road. The biggest push currently is to stop teens as well as adults from texting while driving. It is estimated that 1 in 5 accidents, where there is an injured party, are due to distracted driving. It is important while behind the wheel that attention is paid to the road and the traffic around you.

    Slips, Trips, and Falls

    One in three older adults falls each year. This can be due to an unsteady gait, an unclear walkway, or previous injury. During National Safety Month is the perfect time to look around your home and office for fall hazards. A safer home might include installing safety rails along the walls or in the shower area. A safer office could include moving unnecessary boxes to a closet or storage area. Additionally, placing mirrors on corner areas would allow workers to see if someone is coming down the opposite hallway.

    National Safety Month is a time to become more aware of our actions and surroundings. Accidents and injuries happen because unsafe conditions exist. Taking the time to become cognizant of where our focus is while behind the wheel and surveying our surroundings for hazards goes a long way to reducing the injury rate in America.

    United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime: World Drug Report 2011

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