As any insurance company administering automobile no-fault and workers’ compensation claims knows, the claimant should be at the forefront of every claim you administer. However, the sheer number of tasks necessary for each claim and a high caseload for adjusters and examiners can often obscure the goal of putting the claimant first. Even so, it is critical for your insurance company to enhance your claimants’ experiences in order to drive growth.
One way to measure the claimant experience is by administering claimant satisfaction surveys. Establishing a current baseline for claimant satisfaction levels is key to measuring what’s going well and identifying areas that may need improvement. Over time, driving up those satisfaction levels can ultimately result in increased retention rates if your company commits to enhancing the overall claim experience for all of your claimants.
Committing to improving the claimant experience can take many forms. One immediate improvement your company can make is to partner with a durable medical equipment, prosthetics, orthotics and medical supplies (DMEPOS), pharmacy and ancillary service provider that provides a customer care line. This care line should be accessible to your claimants and should be staffed with local agents who are friendly yet knowledgeable.
If you’re considering partnering with a provider, it would also be highly beneficial to find a provider that implements pre-authorization on every claim, whether auto no-fault or work comp. Pre-authorizing physician prescribed services allows the provider to ensure all services are appropriate for the claimant as well as injury related.
In addition, pre-authorization removes the need for your claimants to pay for those physician prescribed services out of their own pocket, as long as your chosen provider has built a quality network of medical providers. If this is the case, your claimant can fill their prescription medication at any provider in the network without having to worry about paying up front and submitting tedious reimbursement paperwork along with receipts or other documentation.
Removing common frustration points like out-of-pocket payments is an important step in ensuring your claimants experience a smooth adjudication process. Furthermore, adding access to a customer care line where claimants can talk directly with someone who can help them with their claim means claimants feel heard and cared for. Ultimately, improvements such as these will be reflected in your claimant satisfaction surveys. And in turn, you will see an increase in your company’s retention rates.
Northwood is an experienced DMEPOS, pharmacy and ancillary service provider with over 30 years of experience administering auto no-fault and work comp claims. During that time, Northwood has built up an extensive provider network, implemented pre-authorization on all claims for its partners, and created a customer care line staffed with local agents.
Please call Rosanne Brugnoni at 586-755-3830 ext. 3771 to evaluate how partnering with Northwood will benefit your claimants as well as your insurance company.
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