When it comes to workers’ compensation claims or automobile no-fault claims, there are a multitude of injury types that adjusters and examiners see. Some claimant injuries are rather minor, requiring a one-time visit to a local clinic to treat bumps and bruises. There are many claims that require much more in-depth medical care such as sutures and surgeries. And still other claims involve more catastrophic injuries to the claimants that may reduce their level of mobility either permanently or temporarily during a lengthy recovery process. In these types of claims, changes to the claimant’s home environment may be necessary to achieve the highest level of function possible.
When a claim involves such catastrophic injuries, it may be most beneficial to the injured claimant to partake in occupational therapy assessments. If the claimant is no longer able to complete the activities of daily living (ADLs) on their own for example, adjustments and modifications to the claimant’s home will likely need to be made so that the claimant may continue with their ADLs as independently as possible. However, it can be challenging for adjusters and examiners to evaluate a claimant’s home environment and make appropriate modification recommendations.
Northwood has recently begun offering on-site home occupational therapy (OT) evaluations as a solution to this challenge. As a third-party administrator (TPA) of both workers’ compensation and automobile no-fault claims, Northwood strives to bring the latest in efficient claims administration and claimant care to the insurance companies it partners with. Northwood offers these home evaluations to ensure the highest level of function for the claimant.
This evaluation translates to a variety of benefits and services for both the insurance company and its claimants. A home OT evaluation will involve a thorough assessment of the claimant’s home environment to address any existing safety concerns as well as to determine if permanent modifications are necessary and if so, to what extent. Modifications may include such suggestions as widening of the doorways in the home to accommodate a wheelchair for a claimant who has become paralyzed. Modifications for a claimant healing from a broken limb may involve less permanent home alterations such as installing grab-bars and safety rails throughout the home to prevent the risk of falls during the recovery period. Any recommendations for alterations or modifications will help assure increased claimant safety and the highest level of independence possible for each claimant.
The home OT evaluation process translates into many beneficial recommendations with the ultimate goal of claimant recovery and function in mind. Thus, claimants will enjoy a higher level of satisfaction with the outcomes of their claim. Adjusters and examiners will appreciate having immediate access to this valuable offering and insurance companies will reduce claims costs by utilizing Northwood as their TPA, which now includes home occupational therapy evaluations for claimants.
Northwood is a highly experienced TPA of workers’ compensation claims and automobile no-fault claims. For a more customized review of how Northwood can benefit your insurance company and your claimants, please contact Rosanne Brugnoni at 586-755-3830 ext. 3771 at your convenience.
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