Your insurance company faces many challenges in the automobile no-fault industry. Each claim is different, and some involve relatively minor injuries while others involve more catastrophic injuries and potential complexities. Regardless of the type of claim, it is critical that your insurance company keeps the claimant experience top of mind while striving to improve it.
Ensuring that your claimants have a better experience can impact your company in a variety of ways. First, it can boost your claimant satisfaction scores. When a claim goes smoothly, claimants are generally more satisfied with the insurance company. This increased satisfaction then leads to an increase in retention rates since satisfied claimants are more apt to renew their insurance policies with their current company.
Your company can improve the claimant experience in a variety of ways. One way is to partner with a durable medical equipment, prosthetics, orthotics and medical supplies (DMEPOS), pharmacy and ancillary service provider to administer your automobile no-fault claims. Ideally, you will want to work with a provider who grants your company access to its network of medical providers.
These medical providers should offer a discounted fee schedule, which helps with cost containment. However, the network of providers also needs to be thoroughly reviewed to ensure a high standard of care for your claimants. Providing high quality care for injured claimants is a crucial component of improving claimant satisfaction.
In addition, pairing this trusted and credentialed provider network with the process of pre-authorization creates even more benefits for your claimants and your company. In the case of pharmacy benefits, pre-authorization reduces unnecessary costs to insurance companies because it guarantees that all claimant medications are directly related to the claim. Other auto-no fault providers use a formulary, which does not flag non-injury-related prescriptions and therefore drives up the cost of claims for insurance companies.
Northwood is a highly experienced DMEPOS, pharmacy and ancillary service provider with proven processes and procedures to improve your claimants’ experience. In fact, Northwood goes above and beyond for claimants.
For instance, Northwood provides a customer care line based in Michigan that allows claimants to speak with someone when they have questions or concerns. Northwood also thoroughly reviews medical providers before allowing them into its network, and each medical provider is subject to quality assurance checks to ensure they maintain Northwood’s high standard of care. Additionally, Northwood offers coordination of benefits for claimants without full coverage when it comes to auto no-fault claims.
For a more customized look at how Northwood can help your insurance company improve the claims experience for your auto no-fault claimants, please call to schedule a meeting with Rosanne Brugnoni at 586-755-3830 ext. 3771.
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