In your 20s you felt on top of the world. In your mind you were invincible, able to take whatever came your way. As you began to leave your 30s and enter your 40s, the word invincible became less of a symbol of yourself and more of a wish. Aches and pains might have started setting in, you find recovery from injury might take longer, and some mornings your get up and go has got up and went without you. Getting older is a part of life. While there is nothing we can do with the aging process, there are steps that we can take to help ensure a healthier future.
Regular Check-ups
It is important as we age to visit the doctor to get a regular check-up. You speak with them about your family medical history, changes you’ve seen in your body and ability, and share with them any concerns that you have. Seeing the doctor regularly can help you realize where you are health-wise and track changes that your body goes through as you get older. You can track your weight and blood pressure, for example, to be alerted to any sudden changes.
As we age, we become a little more lax about taking our prescribed medicine as directed. The doctor will prescribe medication for blood pressure, blood sugar, or other conditions and some people figure it is more of a guideline than a rule. When medication is not taken regularly therapeutic doses cannot be maintained, and the medication will not be able to do its job properly. If the person is not honest with the doctor about how often they are really taking the medication the dosage may be adjusted if the doctor feels it’s not working. Then they are now taking the wrong amount, which could cause further issues.
Move It
It is very important to maintain mobility and flexibility for as long as possible. This can help prevent falls, lead to more enjoyment in life, and help a person maintain their independence. While you may or may not be able to run a four-minute mile still, making sure you get out for a walk, take an exercise class, or stay active with friends are all good ways to maintain your activity level.
Another important factor for healthy aging is to maintain relationships with family and friends. Sometimes older people have a tendency to close themselves off from others and become reclusive. By keeping in touch with family and friends, you will let someone else know how you are doing. Someone should be designated your emergency contact and have all of your medication information should it need to be given to a third party if you are unable.
Watch Each Other
If you have a significant other in your household, keep an eye on them to check for signs they are struggling. Sometimes people maintain the idea that they are “okay” when they are not because they don’t want to worry someone else. By checking in with each other and being honest about the challenges and changes that your body is going through you can help each other live the best life possible.
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