The holidays are upon us. This means that we will be going over the river and through the woods to grandmother’s house. This time of year also means the chance for blustery skies, slick roads, and whiteout conditions. We’ll share with you how you can prepare yourself for driving in this winter season, and how to handle yourself when winter issues present themselves.
Prepare Yourself
One of the most important things you can do before you head out on the road is to prepare yourself and your car for the journey. How can you prepare yourself? You can begin by making sure that you’ve had plenty of sleep. You will need to remain alert on the roadways, not only looking for hazards but also remaining aware of the drivers around you. Another way you can prepare yourself is to have adequate clothing for the winter season. The best policy is to dress in layers so that items can be removed or added as needed to maintain the proper temperature. Keep a blanket in the car along with some snacks in case your vehicle gets stuck. Have a fully charged cell phone available as well.
Prepare Your Car
You can prepare your car by making sure that you have plenty of gas in the tank before you leave. One issue when the temperature drops is fuel line freeze up. By maintaining an adequate amount of gas in the tank, you can greatly reduce the possibility of your gas line freezing. The tank should never be left less than half full for an extended period. Additionally, make sure your tires are properly inflated, your fluids are topped off, and you have ice scrapers, and tire chains if needed. Be sure your headlights and signals are in working order.
While Driving
Remain aware of your surroundings and know the car that you are driving. Knowing your car means understanding how well the brakes work, how far in advance you need to begin breaking to adequately stop the car. Understand the drivechain for your car. Does it have a 4-wheel drive option? Make sure that you have the correct weight distribution for your vehicle as well. This will affect your traction.
While you drive, be sure to maintain a proper distance between vehicles, if the winter season is very bad, then do not attempt to travel. When traveling uphill do not apply the gas heavily. This will cause your tires to spin, cause a loss of traction, and a possible slide down the road you are trying to climb.
By remaining aware of your surrounding and taking the time to properly prepare yourself and your car, the only memories you will have from your holidays are grandma’s fresh baked cookies.
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