March is Workplace Eye Wellness Month. Your eyes are something you use every day and sometimes take for granted. You just expect them to work and do their job. A startling fact is that over 2,000 Americans, every single day, suffer some form of eye injury. This equates to over $300 million in medical expenses, workman’s comp claims, and lost work time.
When you think of an eye injury, you most likely think of something striking the eye, splashing into the eyes, or having debris or dirt enter the eye, but these are only some of the injuries that can happen to your eyes. With the advent of all the electronic devices that you can use, eye strain and fatigue is also a frequent problem. If you work on a computer, you could be staring at your screen for six to eight hours per day. This is work time computer use; most people also jump on their computers at night to catch up with family and friends. If not their computers, then they are looking at their phones to catch their mail or text messages. This can lead to eye fatigue and possibly dry eye, along with headaches and body aches from remaining in the same position for an extended period. With all of these potential dangers to your eye, how can you protect yourself?
Eye Protection
One of the easiest ways to protect your eyes is to wear the proper eye protection when you are working in a hazardous area. This includes eye goggles or eye shields. Flying dirt or debris will be less likely to injure your eye when your eyes are protected with some form of plastic between you and the hazard. Most people think they will not be in the hazardous area long enough to wear the proper eye protection, but an injury can happen in mere seconds. Proper eye protection is essential.
Computer Use
When it comes to computer use, resting your eyes is important. You want to make sure your computer is the correct height and brightness for the job you need to complete. You want to make sure that you blink often enough to keep your eye moisturized. Staying hydrated is also important to keeping your eyes moisturized, and using eye drops as needed. A big way to reduce the amount of eye strain when you are at your computer is to look away from the screen and step away from your computer for a few minutes each hour.
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